Product Center Motion Control VFD IO expansion card

VFD IO expansion card

A-slot expansion card (standard), B-slot expansion card (optional)

The VH6 series frequency converter comes standard with an A-slot IO expansion card at the factory, with configuration functions and terminal numbers that can meet most applications. When the functions or number of output terminals of the standard A card cannot meet the application requirements, users can choose to select a B slot IO expansion card.
A-slot expansion card VH6-A100

1-channel RS485 serial communication.

2-channel AI1- AI2 (current 0-20mA, voltage 0-10V adjusted by dialing).

1 channel AO1 (current 0-20mA, voltage 0-10V adjusted by dialing).

4-channel X1-X4 bipolar input terminals.

1-channel Y1 NPN collector open circuit output terminal.

1-channel TA1 TB1 TC1 relay output terminal.

B slot expansion card VH6-B100

1 channel AI3 (-10~10V and PT100 motor temperature protection sensor signal, adjusted by dialing).

1 channel AO2 (current 0~20mA, voltage 0~10V adjusted by dialing).

3-channel X5-X7 bipolar input terminal.

1-channel Y2 NPN collector open circuit output terminal.

1-channel TA2 TB2 TC2 relay output terminal.